I just thought I'd set this blog up to keep all info regarding genre modding in one place. Questions/suggestions are appreciated :)
Q: What does a Genre Mod do?
A: Genre Mods are tasked with finding flashes which are uncategorised/have no search tags, and to then assign them a suitable category and give them suitable search tags.
Q: Search tags?
A: These are essentially keywords which make a flash easier to find if someone uses the Flash Portal search function. For example, if you were to search for "Mario", it would bring up a list of results containing all the flashes which have "mario" as a tag.
Q: Ok...why is this important?
A: Similar to the new icon system, the way flashes are categorised on NG will be overhauled as part of the next site redesign. So in anticipation of this, the Genre Mod team are hoping to make the transition as smooth as possible by sorting and tagging as many flashes as possible before the redesign.
Q: Sounds good, how do I help?
A: If you would like to join the team, send an email to tom@newgrounds.com. Tom will then let you know when/if you now have the power to edit genres/tags on flashes.
Q: HELP! I can't figure out how to edit submissions!
A: See the pic below.
Q: Anything else I should know?
A: Not really. If you have a question, feel free to ask me in this blog, or PM any other genre mod. In addition, here is a list of handy links:
Genre Mod Crew
Newgrounds Wiki - Tagging by Bahamut
List of submissions needing genres by popularity - must be signed in on a mod account to view
Happy modding!
Looking good!